Prototype Boba Fett Inspired ProtoF3tt Resin Figure

Prototype Boba Fett Inspired ProtoF3tt Resin Figure by Frank Montano

For most of human history, art and toys fell under distinctly separate categories. Sure, there have been toy collectors but they were still just that: toys. That began to change towards the end of the 20th century, when the line between the two began to blur thanks to the advent of designer toys. Defined as “novelty toys and collectibles created by independent artists and designers” on Wikipedia, designer toys quite literally come in all shapes and sizes and in just about every genre you can think of, and maybe even some that you can’t.

Enter Frank Montano. A quick glance at his work and it’s immediately obvious that his creative abilities are off the charts. However, Frank treads an even thinner line having developed works of art that are instantly recognizable as designer toys yet also like nothing you have ever seen before, all at the same time. And just for good measure, he does so not only with a single design, but across multiple lines of products including DiamondTroopers, MicroBeasts, and custom Dunnys. Oh yeah, and he also paints.

Fortunately for fans of a galaxy far far away, Frank has dabbled heavily in Star Wars-inspired pieces in MicroBeast form as well as in his FeastWarz series. Even luckier for us, Frank saw fit to develop a familiar yet distinctive ProtoF3TT design in both 3″ and 6″ formats, inspired by our favorite prototype bounty hunter. Best of all, he has agreed to an interview where he offers fascinating insights on his art, recalls his sketchy but humorous start to Star Wars fandom, and shares what he hopes to accomplish. If there is anything we can gather from his answers is that he is just getting started, and we can’t wait to see what’s to come.

What are three interesting facts about you that your fans may not be aware of?

I have OCD, haha. In the sense of my space, everything has a home and has to be clutter free.

I’ve been studying nutrition for the last two years as a side interest.

I’m a father of two very smart kids.

What is your earliest Star Wars memory?

1999. Episode I. My uncle took me to watch The Phantom Menace. Little did I know he wanted me to film the movie on his VHS camcorder. I compromised the mission due to my excessive popcorn chewing, haha. That was my introduction to the story, but before that I collected LEGO Star Wars as a kid.

Please tell us about your art background.

I guess you can call me a toy artist and sculptor. I’ve been making and painting toys since 2014. It started with some DIY figures from a local art store. I was really fascinated with seeing my work becoming a 3-D piece, and I’ve been pushing my limits from then on and creating my own identity through it.

How did you first know you wanted to make custom collectibles?

The moment I got hands on a Dunny from Kidrobot. Seeing other artist from around the world show their interpretation of who they were or what they have done and been through on the same platform figure. I really wanted to make my mark in the scene and share my own story.

You’ve made many different lines and styles of custom figures. Which one has been your favorite, and why?

My favorite by far has to be the six inch F3tt from my FeastWarz line. It is a fan art take with a twist of my own character, the DiamondTrooper from my FeastCorps storyline.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of making and developing your own figures?

Sculpting. I feel like I’m learning more ways to create a cleaner piece as well as developing the skillset and learning so many new techniques.

And the most challenging?

The most challenging is to figure out what to do next. For example, I worked on Star Wars-inspired pieces because that’s what I was into at the moment. Or Spider-Man themed, inspired by the release of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Although I really need to focus on my own characters, this does allow me to enjoy working a little more.

What inspired you to create your ProtoF3TT figures?

Well the ProtoF3tt was just another fun colorway of the original version. They include J3ngo, Animated, Camo (FeastCorp), and the Mx3! Each piece is unique but a cool collection all together.

What is the most important piece of advice you have ever received that you would like to pass onto others?

Just do what you like. I’m sure I’ve done work that may be similar to other artists but that’s never my intention. We all grow and feed off each other so don’t take it too seriously when it comes to comparing yourself to others and their work.

Last but not least, what is your dream goal as an artist?

Dream goal would have to be having my work run as an animated motion picture or even a series. I really feel like I have a potential storyline when it comes to my original characters. Seeing that in the theater would be insane. For now, I’m evolving the story that will start off in comic form. Soon.

About Frank Montano

Frank Montano grew up in the Bay Area and currently resides in Seattle, WA. His day usually consists of shooting photos, riding bikes, painting, drinking tons of coffee, and creating custom vinyl figures to share with the world. Follow Frank on Instagram @frankmontano for his latest project.